A Special Evening of Mediumship with Minister Simon James
FRIDAY 6TH MARCH 2020 AT 7.30 PM TICKETS £7 AT THE DOOR. Originally from the West Midlands, Simon is an Author (co writing Magician to...
Thursday Coffee Morning
FIRST THURSDAY COFFEE MORNING THURSDAY 5th March. 10AM TO 12 NOON. Come along and join us for coffee, cake and a chat. All welcome....
To all Members of Kings Heath National Spiritualist Church. 29th January 2020 Dear Member KINGS HEATH NATIONAL SPIRITUALIST CHURCH –...
Tony Stockwell, 6th January
We are pleased to announce that Tony Stockwell will be joining us for an Evening of Mediumship on Monday 6th January 2019. Tickets are...
Christmas Carol Service, 20th December
Join us for our annual Christmas Carol Service Friday 20th December 7:30 pm Hot mince pies will be available after the service Entry is...
Third Eye Workshop with Jean Kelford
Afternoon workshop with Jean Kelford, Opening and Using the Third Eye. Saturday 30th November 12:30 - 16:30. Entrance is £12.00, places...
Colour Workshop with Ivan Walton
Working With Colour Workshop Sunday September 22nd Book with a £10 deposit at the church shop
Special Evening of Mediumship with Stephen Holbrook
We are pleased to announce that Stephen Holdrook will be joining us for a Special Evening of Mediumship on Friday 4th October 2019....
A Trance Workshop
A One-day Workshop with The Spirit of Life Team (Scott Lornie and Denise McNulty) At Kings Heath National Spiritualist Church Sunday...
Thursday Coffee Morning
FIRST THURSDAY COFFEE MORNING THURSDAY 2nd May. 10AM TO 12 NOON. Come along and join us for coffee, cake and a chat. All welcome....